About Us

About Us
The International Student Coordinatorship was established with the unanimous decision of the University Senate at its meeting dated 04.07.2024 and numbered 685.

The aims of the unit are;

1) To support the education and training processes of our international students and to support their academic and personal development,

2) To carry out activities to facilitate the adaptation of our international students to our University and our country,

3) To be in contact with our international students after graduation and to carry out activities to ensure the continuity of our graduates’ relations with our University and Turkey,

4) To increase the number of qualified international students by increasing the international recognition of our university.


Coordinator: Assoc. Prof. Dr. İrem AŞKAR KARAKIR

Deputy Coordinator: Lecturer Dr. Şeyma SAYDAM

Deputy Coordinator: Research Assistant Dr. Sinem ABKA